Sunday, December 29, 2019

Todo sobre la doble nacionalidad en Estados Unidos

La doble nacionalidad significa que una persona puede ser ciudadana de dos paà ­ses al mismo tiempo. Y, en el caso de  Estados Unidos se admite esta posibilidad, pero hay inconvenientes importantes que conviene tener en cuenta. Para entender la situacià ³n y los posibles problemas hay que comenzar una informacià ³n corta sobre quà © dice la ley, seguido de una explicacià ³n de situaciones que dan lugar a que una persona pueda tener doble nacionalidad, para finalizar con los problemas que puede causar esta situacià ³n. Quà © dicen las leyes de USA sobre la doble nacionalidad Curiosamente, las leyes no mencionan la doble nacionalidad y en ninguna ley se obliga a elegir entre una nacionalidad u otra, aunque sà ­ contempla la posibilidad de su pà ©rdida. Ademà ¡s, en la prà ¡ctica se puede decir que Estados Unidos no alienta estas situaciones. La razà ³n es que pueden surgir problemas porque significa que una persona tiene, al mismo tiempo,  lealtad a dos paà ­ses distintos  y debe cumplir la ley de ambas naciones. De ahà ­ pueden nacer conflictos. Ademà ¡s, la  proteccià ³n  que los Estados Unidos otorgan a sus ciudadanos puede verse limitada en los casos de doble nacionalidad, particularmente cuando una persona se encuentra en el paà ­s del que tambià ©n es nacional. Por ejemplo, si una persona con doble nacionalidad està ¡ en un paà ­s extranjero del que tambià ©n es ciudadano y, segà ºn las leyes del mismo,  debe cumplir  con el servicio militar, poco podrà ¡ hacer los Estados Unidos para evitar que cumpla con esta obligacià ³n.Y al mismo tiempo esa persona puede estar  obligada  a registrarse con el Servicio Selectivo en Estados Unidos, a pesar de vivir en el extranjero Y lo mismo ocurre en los casos de  arrestos o detenciones. La embajada americana se verà ¡ impedida en estos casos de doble nacionalidad  para ejercer toda su influencia de proteccià ³n. A pesar de estos posibles inconvenientes lo cierto es que la doble nacionalidad es un hecho frecuente en Estados Unidos, aunque no se puede hablar de cifras porque no hay rà ©cords oficiales. Aunque se estima que puede afectar a varios millones de estadounidenses. Eso es porque es relativamente fà ¡cil obtener la doble nacionalidad. 5 formas de adquirir la doble nacionalidad en Estados Unidos Una persona puede tener mà ¡s de un pasaporte por diversas razones, entre las que destacan las siguientes: 1. Por nacimiento en Estados Unidos (o en Puerto Rico u otro territorio de USA), cuando el bebà © tambià ©n adquiere de forma automà ¡tica la nacionalidad de los padres, si uno de estos es extranjero. Esto es asà ­ salvo en el caso de bebà ©s que no tienen derecho a la  ciudadanà ­a americana a pesar de haber  nacido en Estados Unidos. 2. Por nacimiento en otro paà ­s, cuando el padre o la madre es estadounidense  y siempre y cuando se cumplan una serie de requisitos. En este caso se podrà ­a adquirir en el momento de nacer la ciudadanà ­a de USA por uno de los padres y la del paà ­s en el  que se nace, si se trata de un paà ­s que otorga la nacionalidad por nacer dentro de sus fronteras. 3. Por naturalizacià ³n de un inmigrante en los Estados Unidos, cuando se conserva la nacionalidad original. No todos los paà ­ses permiten que sus ciudadanos se hagan americanos. Puede suceder que les retiren el pasaporte al naturalizarse o que simplemente ignoren que se han convertido en estadounidenses. Conviene verificar las leyes del paà ­s de origen para evitar sorpresas desagradables. 4. Por decisià ³n voluntaria, como por ejemplo un americano adquiere la nacionalidad de su cà ³nyuge o la del paà ­s en la que reside. Y en este caso es cuando podrà ­a haber problemas que se explican mà ¡s abajo. 5. Y otras formas menos comunes. Aquà ­ se puede informacià ³n detallada sobre todas las formas posibles para obtener la ciudadanà ­a americana. Estados Unidos no pone problemas cuando la doble nacionalidad se da de forma automà ¡tica, por ejemplo, en casos de naturalizacià ³n para adquirir la ciudadanà ­a americana sin renunciar a la que se tenà ­a o en los casos de nacimiento. Es mà ¡s, permite que se utilicen dos pasaportes distintos, el de Estados Unidos y el otro, si bien para entrar y salir de USA à ºnicamente y sin excepciones el documento a utilizar es el pasaporte americano. Esta  es una lista de los documentos   que los ciudadanos pueden utilizar para ingresar a USA Riesgo de pà ©rdida de la ciudadanà ­a americana Sin embargo, sà ­ que puede haber problemas si una nueva ciudadanà ­a se adquiere voluntariamente al solicitarla de forma expresa. Por ejemplo, cuando un ciudadano americano se va a vivir a otro paà ­s y decide adquirir esa nacionalidad. Aquà ­ las autoridades americanas de la Embajada o consulado pueden considerar que hay una intencià ³n de renunciar a la ciudadanà ­a y se puede acabar perdiendo. No està ¡ claro quà © es intencià ³n de renunciar  a la ciudadanà ­a, ya que resulta de un conjunto de comportamientos, por lo que hay que tener cuidado y seguir operando como americano: pago de impuestos en USA, recibir el pago del cheque de la jubilacià ³n, estar registrado para el voto exterior,  etc. Ademà ¡s, estos son otros casos en los que se corre el riesgo de perder la nacionalidad estadounidense.   Por à ºltimo destacar que obviamente se puede renunciar voluntariamente a la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense, pero es necesario seguir un procedimiento y hay consecuencias, particularmente para los que lo hacen con el fin de evitar pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos. Esta es una lista de 10 famosos estadounidenses  que renunciaron a la nacionalidad por diversas causas. Inconvenientes de la doble nacionalidad Las principales son dos: doble imposicià ³n y prohibicià ³n o dificultad para acceder a ciertos trabajos Una de las desventajas de la doble nacionalidad es la doble imposicià ³n, es decir  la obligacià ³n de pagar impuestos en los dos paà ­ses  de los que se es ciudadano. Estados Unidos impone la obligacià ³n de completar anualmente las planillas de impuestos aà ºn cuando se resida continuamente fuera del paà ­s. A la hora de determinar si hay que pagar impuestos y cuà ¡nto es necesario tener en cuenta si existe algà ºn acuerdo internacional entre los EEUU y el otro paà ­s con el que se tiene la doble nacionalidad. De hecho, en la actualidad y segà ºn datos del  Registro Federal, se està ¡n dando nà ºmero rà ©cord (aunque aà ºn pequeà ±os) de ciudadanos americanos que renuncian a su nacionalidad por razones precisamente econà ³micas, para evitar pagar impuestos en dos paà ­ses. Otra desventaja es la imposibilidad de acceder a cierto tipo de trabajos  En Estados Unidos muchos trabajos en empresas privadas, para el gobierno o ciertas posiciones dentro del Ejà ©rcito requieren un pase de seguridad (security clearance). La doble nacionalidad por sà ­ misma no es causa en la mayorà ­a de las ocasiones para que se deniegue un security clearance. Pero bajo las siguientes circunstancias es relativamente comà ºn: Uso de otro pasaporte, a menos que sea anterior a la adquisicià ³n de la nacionalidad americanaRealizar el servicio militar en otro paà ­s, a menos que ocurriera antes de hacerse americano.Aceptar beneficios mà ©dicos, de jubilacià ³n, educativos o similares del otro paà ­s del que tambià ©n se es nacional.Utilizar la otra ciudadanà ­a para proteger sus intereses econà ³micos  o de negocios en otro paà ­s.Participar como candidato en las elecciones de otro paà ­s, aunque no se resulte elegido.Desempeà ±ar un cargo pà ºblico en otro paà ­s (esta es una causa relativamente comà ºn por la que se renuncia a la nacionalidad americana).Votar en las elecciones de otro paà ­s. Esto solo en situaciones muy raras y extremas.Actuar en nombre de otro gobierno y defender sus intereses Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Essence Of Sex And Yoga - 1875 Words

Everybody s interested in sex. Whether it s to get pregnant, who s doing it and with whom, or how often is normal? We wonder what we should wear, or how much hair to remove to get more of it, or even how to market it? It s in our face in some way, often subliminally, and frequently in a distorted way every day. Men and women obviously have differing sexual needs, (not necessarily sex drives guys!), and this often leads to conflict. Conflict is the antithesis of yoga, yet within conflict there is always opportunity for unity. This is where yoga comes into play. Sex and yoga is about harmony, about bringing balance into the equation so both sexes feel healthy, nourished and appreciated, free from all the usual repercussions or associated pressures. In my opinion the essence of sex is as a pathway to spiritual transformation and lasting physical well being. Basically yoga makes you feel good. It gets the blood pumping. It gets the hormones flushing through the body. It gives your skin a healthy youthful glow. It generates heat and stimulation from the inside out. It gives you energy, and that s sexy. Sex and yoga are more intimately connected than we think. Sex feels good. Good sex with someone we love opens our hearts, makes us smile and relieves tension. Sex is about relationship, connection, intimacy, love and creative expression. At their best sex and yoga are about union, truth and love. To reveal those things in your life, your yoga practice, and your sex lifeShow MoreRelatedIs Yoga A Metaphysical Practice?1847 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Sanskrit root yuj, meaning to yoke, join or attach, ’yoga’ can most broadly be thought of as any practice aimed at helping facilitate a union between the limited self and the Divine, or Ultimate Being† (Heerman, 6). For thousands of years the practice of yoga has been used to connect one’s mind, body and soul. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Electronic Commerce and Implementation free essay sample

Selling goods, in the traditional sense, is possible to do electronically because of certain software programs that run the main functions of an e-commerce Web site, including product display, online ordering, and inventory management. The software resides on a commerce server and works in conjunction with online payment systems to process payments. Since these servers and data lines make up the backbone of the Internet, in a broad sense, e-commerce means doing business over interconnected networks. Here are a few examples of e-commerce. Accepting credit cards for commercial online sales generating online advertising revenue trading stock in an online brokerage account driving information through a company via its intranet driving manufacturing and distribution through a value chain with partners on an extranet selling to consumers on a pay-per-download basis, through a Web site Globalization of production and increasing competition spurs greater business use of innovative information systems. As globalization extends its reach over cities and regions, the positions of those places within the emerging global paradigms of regional economies is changing. We will write a custom essay sample on Electronic Commerce and Implementation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Only those regions and cities that can mobilize assets for local advantage would succeed. E-commerce is a burning issue of today because the global business is moving towards a virtual business world. Everything is done here virtually. The transaction is done within seconds not being present physically. People now want hassle-free shopping. They are indifferent to go to the market for purchasing the goods or taking the services. All they want one stop service. All these things can be done only with the help of e-commerce. So, the scope for the implementation of e-commerce is ever on the increase in Bangladesh. The main objective of preparing this paper is to identify the feasibility of the implementation of e-commerce in Bangladesh and the challenges behind it. Description: The feasibility analysis of the implementation of e-commerce in Bangladesh is a matter of detailed anatomy. If we want the actual scenario regarding the issue, at first, we will have to go for the analysis of both of the sides- arguments for and arguments against in detail. Here, we would like to make a comparative explanation of the feasibility to implement e-commerce in Bangladesh. Arguments For: There are several arguments for the feasibility of the implementation of e-commerce in Bangladesh. These are mentioned below: Cost effective: E-commerce is the process of buying and selling of goods or services over the internet. If any organization can once portrait the e-commerce based website then it has to spend the maintenance cost only. So, it can be feasible to implement e-commerce in Bangladesh. Technical know-how: Today some institutions are promoting e-commerce in Bangladesh. There are some private or public institutions providing the website development courses and some of these institutions are promoting the e-commerce based website with special importance. So, it can be possible to implement e-commerce in Bangladesh. Infra-structure: E-commerce needs a special infra-structure to be implemented or practiced. As we are moving towards the global market sharing it can be possible to implement e-commerce if we restructure or modify our existing organizational structure. M-commerce aspects: There is enough potentiality for our m-commerce sector to be developed. Especially, 3rd Generation network is coming within this November. So, if we can ensure the handsets with specification of GSM 2000+ Bandwidth then we can definitely think of the feasibility of e-commerce in Bangladesh as well. Reducing digital divide gap: The mass people are currently experiencing an acute digital divide gap. If we can ensure the digital Bangladesh through reducing this gap we can definitely plan for the implementation of e-commerce in our country. Reduced pricing: As the e-commerce involves internet marketing, the physical marketing cost is reduced considerably. So, the seller can provide the goods and services at a minimum price. So, the feasibility of implementing the e-commerce practice in Bangladesh is quite feasible. Comprehensive education system: The education system in our country is on a changing trend now the time being. Both the public and private universities are now enlisting the course related to the e-commerce sector. So, after some days we can implement e-commerce in Bangladesh as well. Transport facilities: Though we have crisis in the transport sector, the sector is highly a potential one. The present govt.  of Bangladesh is planning for some projects for the development of transport sector. If it happens, the physical delivery of the goods and services will become easier according to the prior order via internet. So, in that sense, the implementation of e-commerce can be considered feasible in Bangladesh. Increasing market place: The participation of the mass people in the modern amenities is gradually increasing. As a result, the market place for the e-commerce based organization is ever on the increase. In the circumstances, the implementation of e-commerce is quite feasible. Easier transaction process: The people always want simplified lifestyle. E-commerce can make it happen. So, the implementation of e-commerce will be encouraged by most of the people. In that sense, the implication of e-commerce in Bangladesh will be encouraged. Modern payment systems: In day to day life we come across some modern payment systems like different types of cards. It is a positive sign for the implementation of e-commerce in Bangladesh. So, this is high time we planned for e-commerce implementation. Less complexity of cyber law: The cyber law involves comparatively less complexity in Bangladesh. So, there is respectively less implications regarding law provisions to implement e-commerce in Bangladesh. New entrepreneurship: In present times, it is observed that the percentage of the new initiators is ever on the increase. As the e-commerce implementation needs high initiatives, it is feasible to implement the e-commerce in Bangladesh. Increasing number of users: The number of internet user is increasing day by day. So, there is enough scope for the implementation of e-commerce in Bangladesh. Arguments Against: There are several arguments against the feasibility of the implementation of e-commerce in Bangladesh. These are mentioned below: Cost orientation: The implementation of e-commerce is cost oriented to some extent. The e-commerce demands for the high involvement of technological infra-structure. If an organization wants to implement e-commerce in the operational fields, it has to develop or modify the overall infra-structure having an alignment with technological use. In the context of Bangladesh the implementation of e-commerce is almost next to impossible as the organizations are not financially that much solvent. Lack of technical know-how: The e-commerce involves a high volume of technological use in the operational fields. The maintenance of the e-commerce systems is also the matter of high technological know-how oriented personnel involvement. But there is an unavailability of such personnel supply in Bangladesh. As it is not still a part of our traditional educational system, it will take a long time to fetch such intellectual personnel. Poor Infra-structure: If we try to implement the e-commerce in the every sphere of our day to day life, at first, we will have to develop the overall infra-structure of the country, ensure the education in the fullest sense. Other than the implementation of the e-commerce is not possible in Bangladesh. Lack of trust: In case of e-commerce, the payment of the goods is paid through credit card number or bank account number at first. Then the seller ensures the delivery of the goods or services to the buyer. But as per the context of Bangladesh, the buyer can hardly have the full faith on such types of advance payment system. So, this is also a constraint for e-commerce implementation in Bangladesh. Communication problem: The e-commerce depends on the communication process to some extent. But the communication system of Bangladesh is not that much advanced as the infrastructure of the communication system is poorly furnished. If a buyer purchases the products and waits for the physical delivery of that product it is influenced by the communication system. So, before implementing the e-commerce in Bangladesh, at first, we will have to concentrate on the development of the communication system. Digital divide gap: Bangladesh is a developing country. In this country the mass people have little access to the technological instruments rather than the poverty stricken problems. Some people here are using the modern amenities. But the majority can not have the minimum requirements. As a result, the physical divide is ever on the rise. Traditional education system: Our education system is still traditional. Here the aspects of e-commerce are hardly encouraged. The students of our country can barely research on it. So, the expansion or implementation of e-commerce seems to be impractical. Insufficient transport facilities: E-commerce commerce involves the physical transport while ensuring the physical delivery of the product. The transport facility in our country is still traditional and underdeveloped to some extent. So, we can not think of the implementation of e-commerce in our country to the date. Digital goods vs. Physical goods: E-commerce is feasible for the buying and selling of digital goods only. The features of the digital goods can be displayed in the e-commerce based websites. There is less option to test the physical goods before purchasing but in case of physical goods and the perishable goods, there is lots of scope for mismatch of the real goods and the goods displayed in the websites. So, the implementation of the e-commerce in our country totally depends on the trust of our people. Taxation: The implementation of e-commerce is encouraged in the aspect of Bangladesh but the govt. will be the ultimate repentant of the issue because the process of buying and selling of goods via internet involves lots of scope for tax escape. If e-commerce is implemented in Bangladesh the law regarding the issue is to be introduced first which is not possible over night. The govt. sector needs also to involve those personnel who have that much technical know-how to minimize the escapes. Limited market place: There is a very few people who have the access to the modern technologies and amenities. They can hardly use internet frequently. Most of the people, here, can rarely use internet and e-commerce based websites. So, the e-commerce sector has limited market place. If e-commerce is implemented in Bangladesh, the limitations will be much more than the competitive advantages. Delivery after confirmation of payment: E-commerce emphasizes on the paid delivery. But in Bangladesh we people are not accustomed to this system. We want the products or goods to be delivered before the payment and the settlement. As a result, the psychology of our people does not support e-commerce system to some extent. We know the tradition of a nation cannot easily be transformed overnight. So, it is not feasible to implement e-commerce in a third world country like Bangladesh. Traditional payment systems: The payment system in our country is still traditional. The use of debit card or credit card or visa card is still relatively low. In fact, most of the people do not even understand the functionality of these payment methods. In this situation, the implementation of e-commerce is not only impractical but also making a castle in the air. M-commerce limitations: E-commerce is dependent on m-commerce to some extent. We cannot think of e-commerce without efficient m-commerce. But m-commerce is still not that much developed in our country. If we try to implement e-commerce in Bangladesh, at first, we will have to go for large screen mobile based m-commerce. Large screen based m-commerce can support e-commerce as the e-commerce based websites are of high resolution. But most of us cannot afford such type of large screen mobile like I-phone of Apple or HTC costing approximately 40000 taka. So, it is not feasible to think of implementing e-commerce in Bangladeshi perspective. Limited implementation of cyber law: In Bangladesh, there are law regarding the cyber crime but it is not sufficient to protect the cyber crime. Even, the provisions present, are not thoroughly enforced. But the e-commerce system involves virtual transactions in various phases. These transactions involve high hacking risks as well. If we think about the implementation of e-commerce before introducing the proper provisions and without enforcing those provisions, it will not be that much fruitful. The parties associated with it will be in monetary risks and most of them will not get encouraged to go for e-commerce. Lack of entrepreneurship: As the e-commerce practices is of very recent times, the sector demands for new entrepreneurship. But there is no such encouraging institution in Bangladesh that can lead the new generation or new entrepreneurship to take initiative to march on this sector. Limited number of users: The e-commerce depends mostly on the proactive interaction of the buyer and the seller of the goods or services over the internet. But the number of internet user is still relatively low in our country. So, there is a question mark to the feasibility of implementing e-commerce in Bangladesh. Conclusion: The government can initiate pilot projects and programs for capability-building, training and e-commerce support services, such as Web design. In general, government initiatives should be in line with current efforts in the foregoing areas of concern. Coordination with development cooperation agencies is important to avoid any duplication of initiatives and efforts. But there are several reasons that can challenge the feasibility of the e-commerce implementation in Bangladesh. The challenges would really be hard nut to crack.